Project 1
Price: $1.1 M- $6 M
SCB Frederick Douglass Bridge- full site package to include sanitary sewer, cathodic protection, storm and water underground systems
WSSC Sewer Laterals- Sewer Lateral Renewals
DC Clean Rivers Project- Rock Creek B- construction of GI various DC Water facilities to include
underdrain piping and systems, permeable pavements and PCC alley entrances
WSSC Greenbelt Standpipe Water Main Replacement/Relocation-Installation of water mains ranging from four inch to twelve inches and associated valves and appurtenances; replacement copper water services two inch and smaller in public and private space
DC Small Diameter Watermain Replacement: 13B, 14C , 15B, 16B- Relocation-Installation of water mains ranging from four inch to twelve inches and associated valves and appurtenances; replacement copper water services two inch and smaller in public and private space DC Water Water Infrastructure and Repair- Emergency” Response- fire hydrants, valve replacements, water main repairs, emergency water services DC Water Lead Service Replacement: CIPPER, LFDC- Replacement copper water services two inch and smaller in public and private space Martin Luther King Revitalization- Drainage and pavement improvements, electrical duct bank installation, catch basin/ storm drain inlets Broughton/H2- 809 Kennedy St NW- site package for new construction included storm, sanitary & water utilities Nicholson Court Stormwater Retrofit and Restoration- Stormwater Management – installation of reinforced concrete piping and end section, trench drains, curb and gutter, baysavers, and manhole frames and cover.
Pentagon Apex Restoration : Install truck ramp, roadway excavation, storm drain sub grade, concrete slope, processed rap rap onsite,
Hitchcock Hall Adaptive Reuse Building 37 St Elizabeth’s West Campus SE- full site utilities.
DGS Permanent Supportive Housing –